AI Readiness Score
The AI Readiness Score is the benchmark index for companies that want to measure, compare and optimise their technology and AI maturity.
The study shows where you stand in an industry comparison and provides data-based insights for a secure, scalable and future-proof tech shift - especially for industries with sensible data or critical infrastructure.

Benchmark study and maturity model
Compare your value
The study is being conducted in collaboration with ETH Zurich, the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and the OST University of Applied Sciences. It is part of a research project funded by Innosuisse and supported by Studyond, economiesuisse and the Swiss Employers' Association.
CREATEQ is the industry partner and contributes practical insights from software and AI modernisation.

You can't predict the future. But you can future-proof your Tech.
The benchmark index for companies looking to measure, refactor and optimise their technology and AI maturity.
Are you an entrepreneur or in a leadership position for your tech organisation? Is your company struggling with technical challenges and looking for practical AI strategies?
Recognize strengths, close gaps
The AI Readiness Score shows you where you stand - and what you can do compared to the rest of the industry. Take part in the short survey now and receive
- Benchmark report: Your AI readiness compared to the rest of the industry
- Practical recommendations for action: Possible next steps to secure your future.
- Data-based insights: anyonymised study results.

Our approach combines qualitative and quantitative analysis to paint a clear picture of your technological maturity:
- Expert interviews & data analysis - in-depth insights from the field
- Evaluation of technologies, strategies & competencies - holistic overview
- Spider charts for direct comparability - strengths and gaps at a glance
AI that works. Clear data, a practical roadmap - concrete steps to optimise your tech strategy.
This study, supported by ETH Zurich, University of St. Gallen (HSG) and the University of Applied Sciences OST, provides exclusive insights - supported by 1,000+ company data and implemented with Studyond.

The publishers of the study
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